To Generate B2B Leads You Must Lead
Marketing illuminates the path to solving a problem. Not just any path – your path. This is somewhat academic in low-consideration consumer products, but lifeblood to high-consideration B2B products and services. To get these prospects to follow your path, you must...
Customer Service: Profit or Loss
I took a few minutes and googled Customer Service, and here are some of the definitions I found: Customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service. (Investopedia) Getting customer interactions right has never been more...
The Looming MarTech Consolidation, and the Cure for B2B
The advances in marketing technology are awesome, as are the sheer number of marketing technology providers. ChiefMartec began tracking this space in 2011, identified about 150 players, and presciently started their eponymous infographic. Their 2017 chart encompasses...
B2B Marketing to The Son of Man
As the median age of b2b decision makers goes down, the perceived difficulty of reaching and persuading them through marketing goes up. Many successful marketers raise their eyes to the skies looking for divine inspiration. Do the processes and concepts that have...
Triangulating B2B Prospecting Success
The better you understand your b2b prospect, the more efficient and effective your prospecting will be, and no one silo or point of view within the company is going to give you the “who”, “what”, and “why” of prospects and the buying process. The answer is to...
What B2B Marketers Can Learn from Blind Men
In My Face A colleague recently asked, “With all the data available to us now, what role, if any, does qualitative research play in b2b prospect intelligence? Isn’t that ‘old thinking’?” Somewhat in my face, and a tad confrontational, but a good question. To answer...
Boost Results 10% to 20% Now by Making Your B2B Website Smarter
Get a Grip Your website is your core digital asset, the hub of your digital presence. It can be a much smarter, more powerful sales tool that will generate higher engagement, proactively move prospects along their consideration journey, and give conversion a big boot...
Listen – Here are 6 Ways to Gain a B2B Prospecting Edge
While conducting Net Promoter Score (NPS) research for a b2b technology client we asked the president of an operating division of a large multinational the following, “you gave our client the highest NPS score, what is the greatest benefit you get from them?” The...
Winning More with ABM
Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a high-stakes b2b prospecting strategy. To win more accounts through ABM, we need to move to the prospect’s side of the table, to begin to really understand what they are looking for, how they are looking for it, and how they get...
3 Ways to Improve B2B Prospecting by Finding “Me”
Hey, I’ve got a great new business idea – let’s take our least experienced, lowest paid, least trained and barely empowered employees and make them our customer-facing personnel! Or, Since about 75% of the b2b consideration process takes place without our direct...